
Capricorn FET students get violent

Capricorn FET College students took to the streets on Tuesday demanding that the college management do things the right way.

POLOKWANE – Capricorn FET College students took to the streets on Tuesday demanding that the college management do things the right way.

Students claimed there were certain subjects that did not appear on their certificates, even though they had been studying them for three years. They listed subjects such as life orientation and mathematics, among others.

College Avenue and Dorp Street was the scene of anarchy with stones and refuse everywhere as students expressed their dissatisfaction. On the arrival of the police tor restore order, the students started hurling anything they could find at the police officials.

It was alleged that a few students were arrested during the protest but students later marched to the police station demanding the release of their fellow students. One of the students who was arrested, spoke to Review on condition of anonymity. He said thanks to the students protesting their arrest, they were released.

Polokwane police spokesperson, Capt Ntobeng Phala, said some students were removed from the scene by the police and later released without charges.

The angry students also claimed that the college management was misusing the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) money. “We need to get the remaining money from the NSFAS because we are going to pay it back after completing our studies. The NSFAS gives us a certain amount of money to pay our fees and books. We are tired of the mistreatment and we want management to answer all our questions.”

Students said they planned to strike again on Wednesday but could not go on with their plan after the police threatened to fire rubber bullets. Some of the students said they would not go back to class until all their issues were resolved while other students said they wanted to go back to class and study since their trial examinations were approaching.

By the time of going to print, the college principal was unavailable for comment, as was NSFAS spokesperson, Kagiso Mamabolo.

Education spokesperson in the province, Paena Galane said the department could not comment on the matter since the college resorted under the department of higher education.

A media enquiry was forwarded to the department of higher education but by the time of going to print no response had been received.

Phala said the situation at the college was calm and being monitored closely.

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