Teen dies at hands of lover

A TEENAGER was stabbed to death by her 86-year-old sugar daddy before he hanged himself from a mango tree in Mashau-Matsindevhe village last Thursday.

LIMPOPO – A TEENAGER was stabbed to death by her 65-year-old sugar daddy before he hanged himself from a mango tree in Mashau-Matsindevhe village last Thursday.

Levubu police spokesperson, WO Solly Mkhola, said the body of Zwiafana Mulaudzi (19), a gr. 12 learner at Nwaredi Secondary School, had sustained multiple knife wounds all over it. “The teenager’s body was found in her sugar daddy, Samuel Mudau’s (65) house, while his body was found hanging from a mango tree near his house. The cause of the fight between them has not yet been established. We have opened murder and inquest dockets,” Mkhola said.

The teenager’s elder sister, Wendy Mulaudzi, said the family tried its best to advise her not to fall in love with pensioner, but she ignored them.

“She fell pregnant when she was 15 years old and Mudau was the baby’s father,” she said.

She further said residents had reported a pensioner sleeping with a teenager to the Levubu police and Mudau was subsequently arrested. “My sister”went to the police station and requested the police to release him because he was her husband.

“We even took her to a psychiatrist to make sure she was normal. The psychiatrist confirmed that there was no mental problem. She would never listen to us and she was arrogant,c doctors to check if she was normal, and the doctors confirmed that she was 100% normal. She couldn’t give us an ear and she was very arrogant,” she said. Wendy said the school principal also tried to convince her to stop her affair with the elderly man but she refused.

“We were shocked last Thursday morning when we received the information about the tragedy. I went there and my sister’s body was in a pool of blood. The curtains were drawn. She had been performing well at school and she told me she wanted to be social worker. The funeral costs of my sister should be the burden of the pensioner’s relatives,” Wendy said.

• In a separate incident, a 53-year-old Tshakhuma man was stabbed to death, allegedly by his 33-year-old wife, also last Friday night. Mkhola said the man came home late and could not find his wife. He looked for her and found her at a drinking place, he said. “On the way home, a quarrels ensued, the wife produced a knife and stabbed her husband to death. The wife was also had injuries and we took her to the Tshilidzini Hospital where she is under police guard. We have opened a murder case against her and she will appear in court after she is discharged from hospital,” Mkhola said.

Police remove the body of Zwiafana Mulaudzi.
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