Poisoning of pets in burglaries picks up

A number of Ladanna and Flora Park residents had a sad start to the new school term after their pets had been poisoned by burglars.

POLOKWANE – A number of Ladanna and Flora Park residents had a sad start to the new school term after their pets had been poisoned by burglars.

Jack Scheepers had to have his dog put down after it was stoned with bricks and suffered severe injuries as a result.

In other incident, Lindy Smit said she awoke to her Jack Russel running around and making strange noises, with foam coming from her mouth.

Yet another pet owner, who opted to stay anonymous, lost both her cats and her dog after they were poisoned.

“One of my cats jumped through the window and I noticed he was running strangely. I followed him into the kitchen where he was struggling to stay on his feet. He was making terrible noises. His mouth began to bleed and he died shortly after that. It was very quick,” she said.

Another resident said she had to bury her dog in the early hours of the morning, as she was afraid her other animals would come into contact with the poison.

According to Capt Mohlaka Mashiane and Capt Ntobeng Phala from the Westenburg and Polokwane police stations, these incidents are yet to be reported.

Phala said the poisoning of pets is usually related to planned burglaries.

“We urge the public to report these cases. Offenders will be arrested and face charges of cruelty to animals,” he said.

He urged residents to get to know their neighbours and join the community policing forum (CPF) in their areas, so that support would be at hand in an emergency until the police arrived.

Grave end. Some pet owners returned from the holiday only to find their pets have been poisoned.
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