Reckless drivers: what should we do?

Express went to the streets to ask locals what they think of people who continue to ignore the rules of the road and how the department can deal with such drivers who fail to obey the rules.

RECKLESS driving, high speed and human errors on the national roads remain a serious concern among road users.

Some believe maybe if the department of roads and transport can toughen the rules, maybe the number of deaths would be reduced.

Express went to the streets to ask locals what they think of people who continue to ignore the rules of the road and how the department can deal with such drivers who fail to obey the rules.

Sipho Ngobeni


Sipho Ngobeni said failing to obey the road rules puts lives of other road users in danger.“I think the department should come up with serious laws that will force reckless drivers to obey the rules.”

Spencer Mnisi.

Spencer Mnisi said this is a battle that will take time to be solved as many people continue to ignore road rules.
“We see advertisements whereby motorists are encouraged to not drive under the influence of alcohol but all the time we see people still being arrested for drinking and driving.
“This clearly shows that all the efforts by the department fall on deaf ears.”

Daniel Chuene

“The department should consider those who are above the law to serve in prison for at least six months, maybe this will be an eye opener to those who still ignore the rules,” said Daniel Chuene.

Dinelo Letsoalo.

Dineo Letsoalo said laws such as suspending drivers’ licences if found guilty should be considered.
“This can be the only way road users can adhere to road rules. A lot has been done to raise awareness in terms of safety on the roads but instead we lose lives on a daily basis.”

Mishomo Nemakanga.

Mishumo Nemakanga said reckless drivers should be sent to prison for a period of six months.
“I think the fines are not good enough for such reckless drivers and also the traffic officers are failing us as they are taking bribes from the drivers.

Kabelo Phala.

“Since many continue to ignore the rules, prison can be a solution to this problem.“We cannot continue to lose our loved ones like this,” said Kabelo Phala.

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