How to save up to 10% on your electricity bill

You could save up to 10% on your electricity bill without spending a cent – follow this checklist

ESKOM: You could save up to 10% on your electricity bill without spending a cent – follow this checklist


Photo: Supplied

Hot water:

  • Turn down the thermostat on your electrical element geyser to 60°C
  • Don’t use hot water for tasks you can accomplish with cold water – such as rinsing dishes and vegetables
  • Only use hot water for cleaning tasks that really need it, like washing your hands


Photo: Supplied

Fridge freezer:

Less is more… Using less energy in your home means a lower electricity bill – and more money in your pocket at month end


Photo: Supplied

Stove and oven:

  • When you cook in the oven keep the oven door closed until the food is done; opening the door unnecessarily causes heat loss and the stove has to use more energy to maintain the selected temperature
  • When cooking on your stove, match the pot with the size of the stove plate
  • Never use your stove for small tasks like boiling water for tea and coffee
  • Use your microwave for small and medium amounts of food
  • Place frozen food in the fridge to defrost – avoid defrosting food in the microwave
  • Use your pressure cooker or slow cooker to prepare meals that have to cook for a long time, such as stews and casseroles

Small appliances:

Dishwasher, washing machine and tumble dryer :


Photo: Supplied

Living rooms and bedrooms:

In summer:

In winter:

Via Eskom

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