Limpopo recorded the 2nd most road fatalities during Easter

The death toll on South Africa’s roads over the Easter weekend has increased from 193 in 2014 to 287 this year.

The death toll on South Africa’s roads over the Easter weekend has increased from 193 in 2014 to 287 this year reports the Citizen.

On Wednesday at the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) offices, the Minister of Transport Dipuo Peters announced the volumes of traffic and accident on the roads over the Easter weekend.

According to the data released by the RTMC, 287 people died in 208 car accidents during this weekend compared to 193 people in 2014 that lost their lives in 148 crashes.

Peters expressed her disappointment in the increase in both the fatalities and number of accidents.

“These people are heads of families, bread winners, and whose skills could have been used to better South Africa,” said Peters.

She added that there will be massive and stringent changes to curb these numbers.

KwaZulu-Natal recorded the most fatalities during Easter, claiming 19% (55) of the 287 fatalities, followed by Limpopo with 15% (44) and Gauteng with 13% (38).

During the Easter weekend, 126 012 vehicles were stopped and checked by law enforcement while 36 355 drivers were tested for alcohol with 820 drivers arrested for drunk driving.

Furthermore, 58 drivers were arrested for speeding and 48 drivers for dangerous and negligent driving.

Peters said the factors that contribute to the accidents are alcohol and substance abuse, reckless and negligent driving and unroadworthy vehicles.


Full story on Citizen 

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