Lehlogonolo Masoga: Porn bill shock

Allegations against the deputy speaker in the provincial legislature, Lehlogonolo Masoga, that he misspent government funds on pornography and other x-rated content, has been dubbed a smear campaign by Masoga, while the EFF wants the matter investigated urgently.

POLOKWANE – Allegations against the deputy speaker in the provincial legislature, Lehlogonolo Masoga, that he misspent government funds on pornography and other x-rated content, has been dubbed a smear campaign by Masoga, while the EFF wants the matter investigated urgently.

On Monday, EFF Limpopo convenor, Mike Mathebe, called on the speaker in the provincial legislature, Miriam Ramadwa, to have an ethics committee investigate the allegations against Masoga.

This came after several weekend media reports that Masoga clocked up a R125 000 phone bill, which was mostly used to procure porn videos and other x-rated content, while he was on an international trip to the US for legislative work in August 2014.

“We urge the provincial treasury to institute a forensic audit on the matter and report to the legislature.

“This forensic audit must also investigate the allegation of the suspension of the employee who refused to pay the bill for the porn videos. Our fight against corruption should also delve into the protection of whistle blowers, or we run the risk of being eaten alive by dictators who are quick to protect their spoiled brats within parliament,” Mathebe said.

He urged Masoga to “do the honourable thing” and not intrude in the process of investigation or to rather “fall on his sword”.

DA Limpopo leader, Jacques Smalle, said to get answers, the DA would ask questions in the provincial legislature.

In an official statement issued by provincial legislature spokesperson, Andries Lekalakala on Saturday, he said both the provincial legislature and deputy speaker had been subjected to a smear campaign “anchored in cheap beer talk con-spiracy” to rubbish Masoga’s name on a matter “that is baseless and not supported by facts”.

The weekend media reports also stated that the Public Protector was investigating the matter, as did the media statement by Lekalakala.

Review was unable to confirm this as no comment had been received from the Public Protector’s office by the time of going to print.

“We wish to set the record straight that the deputy speaker has not violated any law, rule or regulation of the legislature nor the country,” Lekalakala’s media statement continued.

Lekalakala confirmed that the provincial legislature had suspended a senior official linked to supply chain management on allegations of supply chain management irregularities and possible corruption, as picked up by the Auditor-General’s audit report.

“However, the suspension of the said official has nothing whatsoever to do with the issue at hand.”

According to the media statement, Masoga commented as follows on the matter.

“I reject with contempt the malicious, libellous and defamatory allegations levelled against me by some not-so-faceless conspirators to injure my integrity for cheap political motives.

“I wish to inform them that it is not for the first time that political attempts are made to write my obituary when I am still breathing and they have dismally failed.

“My commitment to serve the people and fight corruption and maladministration is unshaken and I will not allow inconsequential bitter individuals to defocus me.

“I look forward to cooperate with the office of the Public Protector to lay this matter to rest”.

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