
Hijacking drama: A race for her life

A resident unwittingly found herself in the middle of a high-speed getaway by hijackers in the area of the corner of Landdros Maré Street and Potgieter Avenue on Thursday

POLOKWANE – A resident unwittingly found herself in the middle of a high-speed getaway by hijackers in the area of the corner of Landdros Maré Street and Potgieter Avenue on Thursday, just before midday.

Adri Anders said she had just been to a shop in Industria and was driving on the service road parallel to Landdros Maré Street, on her way to Potgieter Avenue, when she saw a blue Toyota Corolla with two men shouting and hanging out of the windows ahead of her.

“When I saw the firearms I immediately accelerated and also sped away, disregarding the red traffic light.”

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UPDATE: (audio): Hijacking in Polokwane

Attempted hijacking drama

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