
Parts of city in darkness

Residents in certain suburbs of the city who thought the 12-hour lack of electricity on Monday evening through to Tuesday morning was a very extended load-shedding experience, can rest assured: this was not part of load-shedding but due to cable faults.

POLOKWANE – Residents in certain suburbs of the city who thought the 12-hour lack of electricity on Monday evening through to Tuesday morning was a very extended load-shedding experience, can rest assured: this was not part of load-shedding but due to cable faults.

The cut-off was experienced in Bendor, Ladanna and Dalmada.

Municipal spokesperson, Malesela Maubane said the power cut was due to cable faults on their 11kv network. “This therefore caused us to shift loads due to overloading. We had to disconnect some of the bus bars to isolate the transformers,” he said.

A bus bar is a strip or bar of copper, brass or aluminium that conducts electricity within a switchboard, distribution board, substation, battery bank, or other electrical apparatus. Its main purpose is to conduct a substantial current of electricity.

“These safety precautions had to be taken so that we did not lose the entire substation,” Maubane further explained.

Residents can check their load-shedding schedule on the municipal website or at

Maubane said any electricity issues could be reported to (015) 290 2490 or (015) 290 2000 after-hours.

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