
Heuwelkruin gr. 1’s have fun in class

A few weeks have passed since schools opened for the year, and gr. 1 learners have had a chance to settle into their new routines.

POLOKWANE – A few weeks have passed since schools opened for the year, and gr. 1 learners have had a chance to settle into their new routines.

Review spoke to some gr. 1 learners at Curro Heuwelkruin to find out how their “big school” experience had been so far.

Matthew Fernandes said gr. 1 was hard work. “It is very hard work and it makes you hungry. The homework is difficult but I have lots of friends.”

Bohlale Ledwaba said he loved being in gr. 1, and he found the work easy. “I like my teacher; she teaches us a lot. But we don’t do maths.”

Buhle Mananga also said gr. 1 was easy. She said her teacher taught them how to write and gave them writing homework.

“Teacher Anri Jordaan is nice and friendly. She gives us sums and questions, but it is easy,” Khanyisile Tshabalala said.

“I’ve got lots of friends and my brother is in gr. 3.”

Alisha Caloketchi said her teacher taught her to count. “She teaches us one plus zero is still one because zero is nothing. It is obvious! I have lots of friends and I also have 12 cousins… and I like homework.”

Matthew Mockford said he liked gr. 1 a lot. “In the mornings we play and then when the bell rings we line up. Then we sing lovely songs. That is my favourite. We eat first at break times before we play, but if we get hungry later, we can eat again.”

Meyer Gunter said he wrote in a book and learned how to read. “We get lots of homework. I also play rugby,” he said.

Victoria Mackenzie said she needed to be in gr. 1 because she needed to write and her teacher needed to help her. “We get homework like writing and learning words. I like homework.”

Ryan Lee Melville said gr. 1 was fun. “I learn to read and write.” He also said he came fourth in the athletics and played rugby for fun.

“My name is Luna Mary Leon, but it is very long so you can call me Luna Leon,” Luna said.

“In gr. 1 we do fun stuff. I am happy I am learning to read. If I can read, I get an iPad. If I can read today, I can get the iPad today, if I can read tomorrow, I can get it tomorrow. I have 10 friends and a boyfriend. We do reading and maths and it is always easy.”

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