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Boy tells of his ordeal at the hands of bullies

When Express spoke to the nine-year-old boy from Seshego, his defensive body language told part of his story.

SESHEGO – AS schools recently opened for the 2015 academic year amid mixed emotions, there was one particular learner who was not keen on returning to school as he is the target of bullies at school.

When Express spoke to the nine-year-old boy from Seshego, his defensive body language told part of his story.

The troubled schoolboy, who cannot be identified as he is a minor, said he was harassed by some of the older boys at his school, Esau Masadame Primary School.

In a hushed voice, he related his long ordeal at the hands of these bullies. “These big boys would often encircle me and start teasing me. They would force me to do outrageous and silly things. One day they forced me to break a beer bottle with my bare knuckles. Because of the beatings I am subjected to endure at the hands of these boys, I am beginning to hate school,” he said.

The boy’s mother, whose name cannot be revealed to protect the identity of her son, noticed a drastic change in her son’s behaviour.

“When he first mentioned that there were boys who were troubling him, I thought he just wanted to miss school. He kept complaining, but we never thought it could be serious bullying,” the distressed mother said.

“When we reported the matter to the school principal and his class teacher, they both brushed the matter off, reluctantly saying they would monitor the situation. Nothing noticeable was done and my son’s performance declined.”

Approached for comment, the principal, Michael Mashao, said, “Bullying often occurs, especially during June. The perpetrators are more often gr. 7 learners who take advantage of those at lower grades. They bully them knowing that they are leaving the school to start their secondary education the coming year. However, we are keeping an eye on matters like these”.

Meanwhile, the Seshego police has partnered with the National Youth Development Agency to address bullying in schools.

Seshego police spokesperson, WO Mothemane Malefo said they would visit several schools in Seshego until the end of the month.

By the time of going to print, education spokesperson, Paena Galane had not commented on the matter.

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