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How to drink within the law

The legal limit for alcohol consumption in South Africa is a breath alcohol content of 0.24mg per 1 000ml or a blood alcohol limit of 0.05g per 100ml.

THE festive season is upon us and it is a season of celebration. For most people, being festive includes the consumption of alcohol.

However, statistics around South African fatalities during this time are as familiar as they are depressing.

One of the biggest threats to road safety in South Africa is drunk driving. Research has shown that 50% of people who die on the roads are due to a alcohol concentration above 0.05g per 100ml.

The legal limit for alcohol consumption in South Africa is a breath alcohol content of 0.24mg per 1 000ml or a blood alcohol limit of 0.05g per 100ml.

From DrinkIQ – a brand-house initiative – here are some of the tips on how to drink responsibly and to stay within your alcohol tolerance this festive season:

Know your limit – the legal limit in South Africa is equal to two thirds of a beer or spirit cooler with 5% alcohol content. Or 75ml or red or white wine per hour with an alcohol content of 12% to 14%. Or up to one 25ml tot of whisky or brandy per hour.

Eat before you drink – no matter how much you eat while drinking alcohol – you are still going to get drunk. Drinking on an empty stomach will just get you drunker quicker, so eating high protein foods will help to slow the absorption of alcohol into the circulatory system.

Know how you are getting home – there are a few options: the easiest is by using a driver service. However, you can also appoint a designated driver before you go out.

Don’t believe the myths – quick-fix solutions do not exist. Drinking coffee, getting fresh air or drinking a liter of water will not sober you up.

Only time will remove alcohol from your system and restricting yourself to only one unit per hour will give your body the time it needs to stay sober in the eyes of the law.

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