Load shedding leads to more water shortage

Load shedding leads to more water shortage

POLOKWANE – Polokwane Municipality is appealing to residents in the city and other areas to use water sparingly as the reservoir levels are very low.  Already some residential areas within the city and other areas are affected by water shortage.

The current power outages from the load shedding programme at Olifantspoort and Ebenezar plants is creating more problems to the supply of water to the city as we are getting less water and it is not enough to reach high lying areas in Bendor, Flora Park, Serala View and Ster Park.

The municipality is working on sourcing more water tankers to provide temporary aid to affected areas. A water tanker will be moving between the affected areas.

The municipality will communicate a schedule for water tankers once more tankers are sourced. It is doing all in its power to provide all affected areas with water and apologises for the inconvenience.

Reservoirs this morning are currently reading:


Saving water is a collective responsibility; let us therefore preserve this scarce commodity.


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