Daylight robbery in Fauna Park area

Burglaries have taken place in Natorp, Herman, Marshall and Betz Street, several residents who spoke to Review said.

POLOKWANE – No less than 10 houses in Fauna Park have been burgled over the past month.

Burglaries have taken place in Natorp, Herman, Marshall and Betz Street, several residents who spoke to Review said.

One the burglary victims was burgled three different times. Residents also said these burglaries occurred during the day when they were not at home.

Ronnie Beetge, said his home was burgled last Thursday.

“One of my neighbour’s cleaners alerted us when she did not recognise the men who walked around in our yard. On arrival at our house, we found that we had been burgled,” he said.

Beetge said the thieves had gained access over one of the perimeter walls and through a small window at the back of the house. Cameras, a laptop and other valuable items such as jewellery were stolen.

He said their two dogs were also poisoned and one of them was still under treatment at a vet in the city, and still not out of danger.

“The items that were stolen can be replaced, but the photos and memories that were stored on both cameras and laptop can never be replaced. My children refuse to sleep in their own beds,” he said.

“I am no longer free, my wife and children are no longer free. The house is locked up, with the windows closed.

“These men have taken much more than just a few items.

“They have taken a piece of our humanity and belief in our safety in this country,” he said bitterly.

Polokwane police spokesperson, WO Lesiba Ramoshaba, said the police had been faced with a challenge when it came to burglaries in Fauna Park, and all over the city.

“There were a lot of cases reported but with the cooperation between the different communities, community policing forums and the police, the numbers in reported cases have decreased significantly.

“The police have also made some arrests and are following some leads, which could lead to arrests,” he said.

He gave the following safety advice:

• A high fence around the house with lockable gates is much safer than a high wall as there is more visibility.

• Ensure your gates are locked at all times and that the keys cannot be reached easily and are not lying around.

• Security gates with sturdy locks in front of each outer door, as well as burglar proofing covering all windows are recommended.

• The following prevent easy access: window bars, security doors and gates, and razor wire.

• Consider having an alarm system that is linked to a security company.

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