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Review asks: can a healthy lifestyle prevent risk of cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and October 17 is Breast Cancer Day. Review asked residents how they thought one could prevent breast cancer.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and October 17 is Breast Cancer Day.

During the month of October, people are encouraged to wear pink ribbons to show their support for the fight against cancer.

Women older than 40 are encouraged to have a mammogram at least once a year. A mammogram is used for early detection of breast cancer.

But breast cancer does not only affect women, men can also get it.

Review asked residents how they thought one could prevent breast cancer.

Lionel Fourie.
Lionel Fourie.

Lionel Fourie said he would go to the doctor if it was needed. He said he tried to live as healthily as possible to prevent any form of cancer.

Carine Alberts.
Carine Alberts.

Carine Alberts is the mammographer at the Mammo Clinic in the city.

“Women should do self breast exams at least once a month, and if anything unnatural occurs like a lump that was not there before, they should immediately seek professional help. Women, can feel when something is not well with their breasts, but they should never hesitate to get a second opinion from a medical practitioner.”

Alberts said adopting a healthy lifestyle such as not smoking or drinking alcohol is just a few of the simple ways to stay healthy and limit the chances of getting breast cancer.

She emphasised the importance of not skipping mammograms, especially if there is a family history of breast cancer.

“Breast cancer occurs less among men, although I have met some men suffering from this type of cancer. Men have breast tissue too and it is likely that they can pick up breast cancer in this tissue. Usually the prognosis to get cured from breast cancer is very good if it can be detected early and be treated immediately,” said Alberts.

Mart-Marie de Jongh.
Mart-Marie de Jongh.

Mart-Marie de Jongh said she was aware of living healthily by eating a lot of fruit and vegetables, as she has had close relatives and a dear friend who have suffered and died from breast cancer. She said women should go for check-ups regularly.

Emmanuel Seapela.
Emmanuel Seapela.

Emmanuel Seapela said he did not know that breast cancer affected men. “If something does not feel right, you must see a doctor.

“Check-ups twice a year is not a bad idea; just to make sure that everything is fine. I try to live healthily.”

Anton Boshoff.
Anton Boshoff.

Anton Boshoff said he cut down immensely on his smoking to live healthily. “My mother, grandmother and an uncle died from cancer, but I did not know that men can get breast cancer. If I feel something is unusual in my chest, I will see a doctor as soon as possible.”

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