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Workers picket over work conditions

Education department personnel from all over the province embarked on protest action

Education department personnel from all over the province embarked on protest action on Friday following a two-year-long impasse with the department regarding their work conditions.

The protesters were still picketing in front of the department of education on Monday.

According to the protesters, they were all involved in the monitoring of the National School Nutritional Programme (NSNP) feeding schemes at schools. Two years ago, their working conditions were investigated and recommendations made, which were never implemented.

These recommendations included their positions being regraded, which would have increased their salaries significantly.

The workers also asked that service level agreements be concluded with service providers for feeding schemes at schools.

Picketing workers at the department of education.
Picketing workers at the department of education.

“There must be an agreement upon which we can monitor the quantity and quality of foods supplied to schools. We get stones and other objects in the food, especially in the beans and samp,” protestors said.

The picketers said they asked the department for a meeting with the MEC or head of department for Friday, however, the department’s management was not available when they arrived and no meeting took place.

According to the protestors’ collective attorney, Solomon Rangoanasha, the workers would not go on a full-blown strike now, as they did not want to inconvenience learners at schools.

“There is work to be done until the schools close. They are parents too and care about the children,” he said.

He said the department had had a very long time to come to a decision, which they had not and this could very well lead to a full-blown strike.

“In the meantime the workers are on a go-slow.”

Review to contact the department’s spokesperson, Paena Galane, since Monday morning and left messages on his voicemail, but no response was forthcoming by the time of going to print.

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