10 girls undergo virginity testing

LONDANANI Home-based Care in Thohoyandou, recently presented 10 young girls with certificates after they successfully underwent virginity testing.

LONDANANI Home-based Care, a charity organisation, which is part of Christian Worship Centre Church in Shayandima in Thohoyandou, recently presented 10 young girls with certificates after they successfully underwent virginity testing.

The certificates were presented to the girls at Christian Worship Centre last Wednesday, where guests were entertained by traditional dances such as tshigombela, malende and tshifasi.

Pastor Ramudzuli Lehangwa, the founder and chairperson of Londanani Home-based Care, said the young girls, who are aged between 13 and 17, volunteered for the testing.

Lehangwa said the testing was done by nurses from Shayandima Clinic.

“As Vhavenda people, we must teach our children to preserve our culture and tradition and we must let them to know that they are who they are because of their culture. We encourage other parents to send their children to this heritage and cultural event,” said Lehangwa.

He said the virginity testing helped young girls to abstain from sexual activities, which often resulted in teenage pregnancy. He added that the church and the organisation were proud of the girls who got tested.

One of the young girls who underwent the virginity testing, Maduvha Ramasaga, said she was proud to do the test.

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