Cops find porn at schools

THE Bolobedu police, assisted by sniffer dogs, searched and seized dagga, knives, pornographic material and cell phones at three high schools in Bolobedu

THE Bolobedu police, assisted by sniffer dogs, searched and seized dagga, knives, pornographic material and cell phones at three high schools in Bolobedu last Thursday.

The three schools that were raided were Matome Modika, Mookgo and Mamoding High School.

According to Bolobedu police spokesperson, Const Rebotile Shai, the cell phones seized from learners would be returned to them on the last day of the school year while other items would be destroyed.

“Learners bring cell phones to school despite being prohibited by the school management,” Shai said.

Shai said the crime prevention operation followed the launch of the police’s school linkage programme last month.

As part of the programme, Capt David Seunane addressed the learners about the dangers of using drugs.

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