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Premier’s Youth Day advice: Make education fashionable

LIMPOPO premier, Stanley Mathabatha, said the young people of today must earn the title Young Lions like the young people of 1976 did.

LIMPOPO premier, Stanley Mathabatha, said the young people of today must earn the title Young Lions like the young people of 1976 did.

He addressed young people at the Ephraim Mogale Stadium in Modimolle on Monday at the provincial Youth Day celebrations.

Mathabatha said the 1976 generation had a clearly defined mission and they fulfilled it with distinction.

He said they never betrayed the cause. They loved the people of South Africa and it became natural for them to fight for freedom.

“Imagine if the youth of 1976 chose a life of bling, drugs and money over the struggle. To correctly claim the title of Young Lions, which Oliver Tambo bestowed on the heroic 1976 generation, you too have to identify a cause, be loyal to that cause and pursue it with love and utmost vigour,” said Mathabatha.

The premier said the young people of today have to contribute towards the realisation of the country’s shared dream of a better life for all.

“In simple terms, your task is to reconstruct and build. We expect you to become torch bearers in the campaign to mobilise young people against crime and drugs.

“You must be a generation that makes education fashionable,” added Mathabatha.

The premier also used the opportunity to announce that government has put aside R20 million to roll out a massive skills development programme targeting the youth.

As a way of offering young people workplace experience, Mathabatha said government will expand its learnership and internships programmes for graduates.

National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) CEO, Khathu Ramukumba, said R2,7 billion has been set aside to fund businesses owned by young people over the next five years.

He urged young people to take advantage of all opportunities available to them and to move South Africa forward.

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