Stanley Mathabatha is the ANC provincial candidate

THE ANC's provincial candidate in the 2014 general election is the premier, Stanley Mathabatha.

THE ANC’s provincial candidate in the 2014 general election is the premier, Stanley Mathabatha.

During the opening address of the popularisation of the party’s election manifesto in January, the ANC provincial task team secretary, Joy Matshoge highlighted some of the ANC’s successes.

“It is important that you vote ANC, so that we can work to improve the ills and living conditions created by the Apartheid system. The 2014 election manifesto is the central pillar of our programme of action in government for the next five years. This year, South Africa celebrates 20 years of freedom.

“We will celebrate 20 years of achievements in development and progress that is unprecedented in the history of our country. Without any doubt, we have worked together to change people`s lives for the better. It is only through meaningful partnership that we have been able to come this far.”

She said the ANC needed to redouble its efforts to ensure those who had not yet been reached by the ruling party’s programmes are able to access these services as quickly as possible.

“Through these efforts we must have pushed back the frontiers of poverty. Through the provision of housing and land, by expanding the social security net and by broadening access to education and health care, we have brought change to the lives of those people who need it.”

According to Matshoge, the ANC’s manifesto demonstrated that development had taken place and the party had practical programmes in place to address these. During a recent business breakfast, Mathabatha said Limpopo was a better province today than it was 20 years ago.

“Living conditions had improved and inequalities are on the decline as more people have access to drinking water, food, health care and education.”

More than about 86% of the residents in Limpopo had access to electricity and roughly 87% had clean water, Mathabatha said.

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