Elections 2014News

Door-to-door for ANC

"SINCE the ANC was elected in 1994, job opportunities have been created, RDP houses have been built, free education and social grant were given to those who are in need and we are still promising more, as the new slogan says 'We have a good story to tell'".

“SINCE the ANC was elected in 1994, job opportunities have been created, RDP houses have been built, free education and social grant were given to those who are in need and we are still promising more, as the new slogan says ‘We have a good story to tell'”.

These were the words of Mmusi Mathekga, the ANC chairperson of ward 15 in Ga-Chokoe in Moletjie during the party’s door-to-door campaign in Ga-Setati, Moletjie on Saturday.

Mathekga said the door-to-door campaign was to help them know the needs of the community.

“The community is complaining about unemployment, a lack of clinics, bursaries and roads and increases of social grants,” Mathekga said.

He said the campaign also aimed to see how many people living with disabilities and pregnant women needed transport to the general elections on May 7.

Linah Seroka, a Ga-Setati resident said the door-to-door campaign was a good idea as the party was able to reach them as there were people living with disabilities in the community.

“I am really happy with the campaign. It really shows that they care about us. I was worried about the transport issue to the elections, but I am now relieved,” she said.

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