[IN PICTURES] Eagles Nest learners honour their grandparents with dress up day

The learners ended their day by having a Teddy Bear themed picnic where each learner was to bring along their favourite teddy bear to school and a blanket.

POLOKWANE – Gr R and RR learners from Eagles Nest Christian School dressed up like their granDparents on Friday, 25 May 2018.

“Often at times the children are looked after by their grandparents while their parents at work. They basically bath them, feed them and help them with their school work and that alone a parenting role and they also play important roles in their growth of their grand-parents. So this is just their way of showing how grateful they are for their care,” said Freda Seegers, one of the teachers at the school.

One of the learners, Michelle Jaka, spoke to the REVIEW and said that she loves her grandmother because she looks after her when her mommy is still at work, “My grand mother reads me a story before I sleep at night and prays with me before I sleep and when I wake up in the morning,” she explained.


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