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Golf is Jean Sadie’s passion

When it comes to golf in Polokwane, few people have as big a love and passion for the sport as Jean Sadie (30).

POLOKWANE – When it comes to golf in Polokwane, few people have as big a love and passion for the sport as Jean Sadie (30).

Sadie is so involved with golf that it has not just become his passion, but his career, and he is currently running his own golf academy, Sadie’s Golf Experience at the Polokwane Golf Club.

Sadie, who is a PGA class AAA teaching professional golf coach, is also the Limpopo Golf Union operations manager, the South African Golf Development Board Limpopo manager and he also works at the Polokwane Golf Club pro shop.

He is currently developing the sport and teaches it to children from various schools.

Jean Sadie made time in hus busy schedule to speak to Review about his love for golf and how he manages his busy schedule.

“I knew from the start that golf was the way I wanted to go, I immediately started to study golf after school, and golf has been my career for the past 12 years,” says Sadie.

He further said he started to play golf when he was 10 years old. “I did a lot of sports at school, but in the end I decided that my love for golf was a lot stronger than for other sports,” Sadie explains.

The one thing that kept him motivated and driven was his hope to introduce the sport to as many people as possible. “So many people have a misconception about golf and I want to show them what a great sport it is, I want to show them that the whole family can play and enjoy golf together, no matter how old or young they are,” Sadie says.

“Seeing the satisfaction in the eyes of the people I help is an amazingly satisfying feeling. I believe I was born a teacher; I really enjoy helping people with their games.”

His aim is to become a well-known coach in Limpopo, and then in South Africa. “I want to walk in the footsteps of the South African golf coach legends; I want to be known and remembered as an experienced coach,” he explained.

He attributes his success and motivation to God, as well as his wife, Gertruida. “She is my rock, she motivates me to keep on going even when things get rough,” Saidie says. “The Lord gave me a passion and talent for golf and without Him I am nothing.”

Two of the people he looks up to are local Agapé Christian Church pastor, Cornè van Niekerk and Golf South Africa CEO, Grant Hepburn. Hepburn has a great knowledge of the sport and is always willing to help Sadie.

Currently he coaches golf everyday from Monday to Friday, but says he also makes time to play golf himself. In his free time he usually makes time for his wife, family and friends. “I think it is very important to always make time for your wife, family and friends no matter how busy your day gets.”

He also says, unlike some other sports, new players have the opportunity to play against more advanced players at certain events, which makes the sport very interesting to play, in his opinion, one of the best sports to play.

Sadie concluded his interview with Review by sharing his life motto. “Do the best you can and let God do the rest”.

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