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Mixed feelings over history being made compulsory school subject

Review spoke to some residents about their thoughts on this idea.

POLOKWANE – The national department of education recently announced it would look into offering history as a permanent subject for all learners throughout their school careers.

Review spoke to some residents about their thoughts on this idea.

Jeanne-Mari Cawood.
Jeanne-Mari Cawood.

“I don’t think it is such a great idea; we already have numerous subjects to cope with, not to mention the afternoon sports activities and extra classes to attend. Then you arrive late at home in the evenings and still have to do homework and study for tests or exams. In my opinion it won’t work, although I used to like history when I had it as a subject,” gr.12 learner, Jeanne-Mari Cawood, said.

Janke Jansen van Rensburg.
Janke Jansen van Rensburg.

“I am in matric now and I am still passionate about history, especially the war aspects of history. I think to have history up to gr.12 is a good idea, because it can only improve human relations among South Africans; it would make more people aware about this country’s history and heritage. I have found during conversations that a lot of people do not know the facts of our history, so implementing this plan is a good idea.

“It will be a little extra work, but if you work hard it can only improve your other subjects too,” Janke Jansen van Rensburg, who is currently in gr.12, said.

Tlou Manthata.
Tlou Manthata.

“History is a nice subject and it is important to have knowledge about your heritage, your history. I think it is a good idea and won’t be such an extra burden on one’s studies. If you put your mind into your studies, you can do well, even if history is a compulsory subject,” Tlou Manthata said.

Olga Phaleng.
Olga Phaleng.

Olga Phaleng said she did not like history and thought it would definitely be an unnecessary additional burden.

“Looking back into the past is of less importance to me than planning ahead for the future. I really do respect my heritage, but I would rather be in retirement one day and then look back into the past. The younger generation should rather focus on the future. The department should instead think of ways to give maths as a subject more attention, which is a very important skill to have,” she said.

Karen Botha.
Karen Botha.

“When I studied education I had history as a main subject at the then Rand Afrikaans University. I think it would be a great idea to implement because it enlightens about each and every South African’s history.

“It can only improve on how well we know each other’s historical backgrounds and it will prepare today’s youth better for the future, and to get along and respect each other. But if it does get implemented, it should cover the country’s whole history and not a certain group’s. History is a subject of commitment and discipline,” Karen Botha, a teacher in the city, said.

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