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Policewomen celebrated as moms

The women in blue who always go the extra mile to serve and protect were celebrated during a special Mother's Day event at the police's Polokwane cluster offices on Friday.

POLOKWANE – The women in blue who always go the extra mile to serve and protect were celebrated during a special Mother’s Day event at the police’s Polokwane cluster offices on Friday.

The programme started with songs of praise and worship. Presentations followed with the first being about the importance of being healthy. The second presentation was about women and beauty and the last was about finance management and being financially independent.

A word of encouragement by the cluster commander, Maj. Genl Joseph Maepa, followed, during which he encouraged the women to be the best they could be and stay true to themselves.

Prior to the start of the event, Maepa told Review that he believed it was important to celebrate women irrespective of what they did for a living.

“No one would be anywhere without their mother,” he said.

The women ended the day by giving each other small gifts.

Blantiah Ramogale and Portia Sekonya during a Mother's Day celebration at the Polokwane cluster police offices on Friday.
Blantiah Ramogale and Portia Sekonya during a Mother’s Day celebration at the Polokwane cluster police offices on Friday.


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