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Cops to stabilise Mokopane area

THE aftermath of the recent taxi bloodbaths in the troubled Mokopane town has left many residents distraught and some families of minibus operators displaced.

MOKOPANE – THE aftermath of the recent taxi bloodbaths in the troubled Mokopane town has left many residents distraught and some families of minibus operators displaced.

Since that fatal shooting of taxi owner, Gideon Fatane, who was shot and killed at his home in Mokopane town, the area has been a scene of carnage.

No arrest has yet been made in connection with his killing at the time of printing.

Fatane’s murder was followed by a prominent resident, Charlie Mogedi, who was shot at a taxi rank and later died in hospital,

Mogedi was among a group of the taxi association members who were inspecting the taxi rank amid the on-going taxi violence.

The recent killings have triggered the anger of Mogalakwena Residents Association (MRA).

Explaining what prompted the bloody conflict in the area, the association’ spokesperson Thintha Mokhonoana, said “some of our members who were among the members of the local taxi association who are doing the preparation of the funeral of Mr Fatane went to the rank to assess the situation.

“Once they were there, they were confronted by the group of hooligans. Our member, Mogedi was shot dead at the taxi rank.

“His shooting was as a result of the on-going taxi violence in and around Mokopane.”

Police spokesperson Captain Mmadikgale Masingi said they have confiscated four firearms, three allegedly belonging to suspects while the fourth belongs to Fateni.

On Thursday last week, three suspects, Desmond Machaba (48), Samuel Matjila (55) and Patrick Sekhu (55) appeared in the Mokopane magistrate’s court in connection with Mogedi’s death.

The killings in Mokopane came as some residents were still reeling from the hyped murder MRA chairperson Madimetja Piet Pale, who was shot and killed as a result of political squabbles in the beleaguered Mogalakwena Municipality.

Limpopo government has condemned on-going taxi killings in Mokopane and Mahwelereng.

Government spokesperson, Phuti Seloba, says police have been deployed to the area to stabilise the situation.

Seloba says as the provincial government they are seriously worried and concerned about the killings in the trouble area.

Seloba says as government, they have engaged various stakeholders to bring peace to the area.

Masingi said police official are working around the clock to return the tumultuous situation to normalcy.

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