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Youth on a Mission to inspire

A GROUP of young people in Polokwane are giving back to underprivileged schools in Limpopo through educational campaigns and motivational talks.

LIMPOPO – A GROUP of young people in Polokwane are giving back to underprivileged schools in Limpopo through educational campaigns and motivational talks.

Members of the development programme, Youth on a Mission, say their aim is to persuade learners to work hard at their studies so they can realise their dreams.

The programme is made up of six members; Makwena Makgakga, Diana Sekgala, Madira Mamabolo, Kgaugelo Mafolo, Elias Mailula and Fanang Mabiletja.

According to the programme’s founder, Makgakga, they want to improve Limpopo’s matric results.

“As a young person, I am playing my role by improving the lives of others through education,” says Makgakga.

He says Youth on a Mission aims to give young people hope for the future.

“My childhood was unpleasant. I come from a poor family, but I made it, even though I had limited resources.

“I want to share my life experiences so that others can relate,” he says.

Makgakga says running a programme of this nature comes with challenges such as a lack of funds.

“My biggest wish is to find sponsors who will assist us to achieve our dream. We sometimes get invitations outside the province, which results in additional transport and accommodation expenses. At the moment, all the members of the programme contribute money.

“It has not been easy, but the passion keeps us going strong.”

Sekgala says the programme also addresses social issues such as teenage pregnancy and drug abuse.

“There is a lot of pressure on learners nowadays. They worry about looking fashionable, hanging out in cool places with their friends and they spend too much time on social networks, and as a result, they lose focus on their school work,” says Sekgala.

She is studying BA human sciences at Unisa and believes that education is essential.

“It does not matter where you come from, your circumstances cannot determine your future,” she says.

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