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Arbor Day at Northern Muslim School

Learners at NMS celebrated spring's arrival by planting flowers and trees at the school while learning about the different plants.

POLOKWANE – Learners of Northern Muslim School celebrated Arbor Week by planting flowers and trees at the school on September 4.

The learners planted water plants such as succulents, hibiscus and lavender.

Principal Takura Warinda said they were welcoming spring day.

“We want our school to be evergreen. These are plants that will grow naturally and blossom in all seasons. It is good to see learners planting trees and knowing more about them.”

Mohammed Ameen Moudjahed, a learner at the school said he hopes that trees will grow and make the school beautiful.

“I want to see trees growing and making our school more attractive. I will be leaving the school soon, and when I come back, I hope I will find the trees in good shape.”

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