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Joy as Limpopo initiates return safely

The boys and girls had spent weeks in the mountains as part of a traditional rite of passage into adulthood.

LIMPOPO – Mosesetjane village was filled with joy on Saturday as parents celebrated the return of their children from initiation school.

The boys and girls had spent several weeks in the mountains or bushes as part of a traditional rite of passage into adulthood.

This practice marks the transition from boyhood to manhood and, for girls, from childhood to womanhood.

The initiates are taught values, respect, and the importance of upholding their culture and traditions.

Young girls Bokang Letlalo and Relebogile Moja after graduation.

Malesela Dr Scotch Mapokgo, the owner of a local school in Mosesetjane village, proudly announced the graduation of the boys and girls from the initiation school.

“I have admitted boys and girls from as far as Tzaneen. The initiation school went well, and I have not experienced any difficulties. I ensured all initiates had a thorough health check before admission, provided healthy food, maintained cleanliness, and ensured regular medication,” said Mapokgo.

He expressed his happiness as the initiates returned home.

“Today, they are going back to their parents, and everything is well. We succeeded in running the initiation schools without any fatalities, thanks to the support from local traditional leaders, the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA), and the Department of Health,” he added.

Letswidi Maka, an initiate, shared his experience: “I feel good because initiation is part of my religion. They taught me that as men, we must work together, respect each other, and honour our elders”.

Letswidi Maka graduates from the initiation school.

Relebogile Moja, another initiate, expressed her relief and happiness.

“I am very happy to be back home. Four weeks without seeing my parents was too much. I was often crying but tried to hide my tears from the other kids,” said Moja.

Basikopo Makamu, the MEC for the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, extended his gratitude to all stakeholders involved under the provincial initiation coordinating committee.

He praised their collective efforts, which have consistently ensured accident-free initiation seasons, emphasising their commitment to the safety and well-being of all participants.

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