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Makro Polokwane hosts successful stokvel party

Makro Polokwane hosts their stokvel party once a year where they invite loyal stokvel customers to an informative morning of lots of fun and giveaways.

POLOKWANE – Makro Polokwane hosted a stokvel party on Saturday, during which nobody walked away empty-handed.

Stokvels attend in numbers to hear what Makro has in store for them this year.

Their loyal stokvel customers were invited to an informative morning of fun and giveaways and amid the light-hearted occasion, the stokvel members learned all there is to know about how Makro offers convenience and the best deals to their stokvel customers.

The ladies from Tastic, Penelope Baloyi and Boipelo Molotsane.

Makro Polokwane hosts this stokvel party once a year, explains Makro’s marketing manager Lizbe de Bruyn.

“Every year, we treat our stokvel customers to a party where they receive loads of giveaways. We also invite our suppliers who then have displays and give away freebies, have fun and advertise their various products. In the same breath, we try and recruit new stokvel customer as those who attend the event, go home and tell their friends about it. We have a lot of active stokvels and this is our ‘thank you’ to them,” she said.

From AVI are Antony Mogale and France Maswanganyi.

There are currently close to 500 stokvels that are registered with Makro, of which the members receive special stokvel prices which automatically give them discounts when they shop at Makro.

Kamogelo Tleane, Maxwell Maimela and Ashley Makhura from Cross & Blackwell.

“For a stokvel to benefit, it is as easy as going to Makro, telling them you are part of a stokvel, and then you’ll be taken to the accounts department to fill in a form, receive a Makro stokvel card, and throughout the year, deposit money at the till and enjoy the rewards at the end of the year. It’s that simple,” she said. She added that the bonus is that the stokvels invest at their own pace, and how and when they want to.

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