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Taxi owner gunned down three years after his brother

WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTO. Police say the modus operandi in Kgabo Phihlela's death is similar to that of his brother, Simon (43) who was gunned down in 2020 at the main taxi rank in Ext 71.

POLOKWANE – The executive committee of the Seshego Polokwane Taxi Association (SPTA) is still coming to terms as to the motive behind a shooting Saturday at the city centre taxi rank where a taxi owner was shot and killed in full view of commuters.

Police confirmed that two unknown men fired multiple gunshots at the 50-year-old Kgabo Phihlela at around 15:55, fleeing the scene shortly afterwards.

Read more: Taxis torched a day after death of fleet owner at city rank

The morning after, three vehicles owned by different persons attached to the association, were found set alight – two taxis at the Ext 71 rank and one sedan belonging to the association in that area.

The two SPTA were destroyed.

The association’s chairperson, United Nemaungani told Polokwane Observer it is a complex matter to connect the incidents to their members, as no grievance against the deceased or any of the owners of the burnt-out vehicles had been received.

“It is still quite a shock to us. In all of our most recent meetings, everyone seemed to be on the same page. Even those whom we know to be vocal in terms of the Leeto bus service disputes have been peaceful.”

Commuters who witnessed the shooting, and those who found the two burnt-out taxis on Sunday expressed a loss of confidence in the association.

“I saw that man lying in a pool of blood and wondered what could have happened if I had been nearer. What if a stray bullet hit someone? What if their enemies burn us inside the next time? I do not know if I can be in their taxis again without questioning my own safety,” one commuter remarked.

Meanwhile, to monitor the state of all taxi ranks attached to the association on Monday, Nemaungani said members of the executive committee visited the rank at a major retailer and the city centre rank, along with those in Seshego and extensions.

“We can assure commuters that their safety is prioritised as the police, the municipality and the association seek answers on the unfortunate incidents. We further apologise profusely for what has happened,” he concluded. The police in the meantime have confirmed similarities in the latest murder to that of an earlier one. The modus operandi in Kgabo’s death is similar to that of his brother, Simon Phihlela (43) who in 2020 gunned down at the main taxi rank in Ext 71. However, at the time, an apparent quarrel among members about the sequencing of commuting passengers on authorised routes was an incident associated with the shooting,” police spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapelo, said.

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