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Picketers voice their dissatisfaction over Janusz Waluś’ parole

A nationwide picked was held by the SACP and partners such as Cosatu and the ANC to voice the dissatisfaction that Janusz Waluś was granted parole recently.

POLOKWANE – On December 8 South African Communist Party (SACP) spokesperson Dr Alex Mashilo addressed community members during a a picket outside of the Limpopo Division of the High Court.

The nationwide picked was held to voice the dissatisfaction that Poland immigrant Janusz Waluś was granted permanent residence on the basis of serving under South African parole conditions.

Waluś was sentenced to prison after he was found guilty of the assassination of South African Communist Party leader and apartheid struggle stalwart Chris Hani on February 9, 1993, and was released on parole on the day of the picket, as confirmed by the Correctional Service on Wednesday (December 7).

The picket was part of the efforts by the Hani’s supporters, including alliance partners such as Cosatu and the ANC.

The SACP and ANC also attempted to storm the Kgoshi Mampuru Correctional Centre on November 30 after Minister Ronald Lamola received an order from the Constitutional Court to release Waluś straight from hospital prison to a safe place courtesy of the state.

He was at that stage hospitalised after he was stabbed by inmates.

Also read: Janusz Waluś placed on parole after being released from hospital

Waluś was found guilty for shooting Hani with state ammunition and the SACP called for the “investigation and arrest of a trail of people involved in the movement of the weapon until it landed in the hands of the convict”.

The Constitutional Court since dismissed Limpho Hani, Chris Hani’s widower, and the South African Communist Party (SACP)’s application to revoke and reconsider its decision to release Waluś from prison on parole.

The SACP and Limpho have on several occasions voiced their dissatisfaction with the apex court’s decision to grant Waluś parole.

In their application to have Waluś’ release from prison reversed, they argued that the court’s judgment had a patent error.

They said the Constitutional Court did not fully analyse the applicants’ submission but the court dismissed the application to have Waluś’ release reconsidered.

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