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Rotary Club of Polokwane reach out to the homeless

Geshim Francis and the team from Rotary Club of Polokwane gave back to the community last week by providing meals to the homeless.

POLOKWANE – The last Saturday of October was a special day for some 300 homeless people in the city when local businessman and member of the Rotary Club of Polokwane, Geshim Francis, Rotary president Susan van der Merwe, past president Jerry Malahlela and other friends prepared 600 food parcels that were distributed to a number of places where the homeless gather in the city.

Francis started the initiative in Durban as a tribute to his mother who passed away during early 2020 and after relocating to Polokwane in August that year, started to prepare bunny chows for the homeless.

“I later decided to substitute the bunny chow with sugar bean curry and vegetables, because of its enhanced nutritional value,” Francis explains.

“We do this once a month and start cooking at 05:00,” Francis added and thanked the fellow Rotarians for their assistance and support of his project.

“This is my contribution to giving something back to the community,” he said.

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