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The Education Department is no place for foreigners, says Dudula

Dudula believes too many foreign nationals occupy positions within the Education Department and demanded affirmative action from the government.

POLOKWANE – The Limpopo leg of Operation Dudula is waiting for a response on how the Department of Education will be dealing with foreign national teachers, who the movement says occupy too many positions that South Africans could take up.

The group walked along the streets of Polokwane in a picket to the provincial department on October 12 as part of a nationwide programme.

“We have roughly 10 000 foreigners that are employed by the Department of Education nationally. So we know that our own are not getting jobs because the posts have been occupied by foreigners,” said Dudula Limpopo secretary Grace Mamonyamane.

They left a considerable list of demands with the department’s general manager for human resources, Naphtali Molope, who said MEC Mavhungu Lerule-Ramakhanya was not available on the day to receive the memo.

Topping the agenda was a request that children of undocumented foreign nationals should not be admitted into public schools and not receive any form of financial assistance in government-run schools.

Operation Dudula, known for its distaste for the sharing of South African resources with illegal immigrants, has for over a year called for the government to declare a state of emergency, saying the influx of foreigners is a burden on the country’s economy.

“We want to send a clear message to government, all the ministers that are playing us for the fool in the Parliament to say that Operation Dudula is recording every little thing that is happening in the country. Every memorandum that we are submitting to any department in the country, we are putting it on record – so that at the end of the day, we can pull all these demands and say what have we achieved from this government,” added Mamonyamane.

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