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Limpopo junior golfers end tourney in fifth place

One of their star players, Arno Lombard a Gr 12 learner from Hoërskool Pietersburg who was selected for the South African High School team said the windy and hot conditions was a hindrance in their quest for success.

POLOKWANE – The Limpopo junior golf team settled for fifth position at the South African Schools IPT final held at Polokwane Golf Club last Monday – Wednesday.

The contest was won by Kwa-Zulu Natal with 1 739 strokes showing dominance and golfing prowess throughout the week.

Limpopo represented by Arno Lombard, Amicus de Beer, Arno Kotze, Danyell Swanepoel, Johanathan Schulenburg, Andre Liversage, Ruan Huysamen and Chris Gerber finished the event with 1 867 strokes.

Read more: Young golfers eager to fly the Limpopo flag high at nationals

One of their star players, Arno Lombard a Gr 12 learner from Hoërskool Pietersburg who was selected for the South African High School team said the windy and hot conditions was a hindrance in their quest for success.

Arno Lombard putt the ball.

“I think we could have done better. Minor things cost us the game. We played against strong opponents but we are looking forward to the upcoming junior golf events.”

He said he is happy to have been selected for the national team. “This is the biggest milestone by far and a huge motivation for me. The nod removes all the doubt and motivates me to work even harder.”

Danyell, also from Hoërskool Pietersburg, vowed to exert himself well in other events. “It was an honour to represent the province and my school at this level. We learned a lot from other players and we will improve from this performance.”

Danyell Swanepoel attempts to swing the ball.

JP Ellis, operations manager at Limpopo Golf Union said they were happy with the overall proceedings of the tournament.

JP Ellis, operations manager at Limpopo Golf Union.

“The event went well. It was nice and the players enjoyed playing together, we are looking forward to the upcoming events.”

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