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Honouring women who impact the lives of others

In honour of Women‘s Month, Enderun Colleges Polokwane hosted a fun-filled afternoon to honour the women that make a difference in their learners' lives.

POLOKWANE – To honour Women’s Month, Enderun Colleges Polokwane welcomed influencial women who have impacted their learner’s lives on August 20.

The afternoon of fun activities kicked off with heartfelt messages from the learners which included poetry, speeches and gifts. This was followed by a tea break and an early afternoon braai.

“The main purpose of the event was to acknowledge the fact that it is not easy being a woman and to also show appreciation to the vital roles that women play in our society. It is eminent to ponder on the reality that women were seen as fit only for domestic roles and were not awarded the same political rights as men, such as voting. Men were trusted to provide and protect, but the efforts of brave, daring women made it undeniable that women were indeed worthy to be seen as equal to men, even in leadership positions,” says principal Tasmia Moosa.

Wilheminah Moima and Elelwani Madzhie enjoys the fun.

She goes on to say the roles women play grew over time, and with great power comes great responsibility. “It is notable in the lives of women who have to juggle a professional career, a social life and the role of being a mother.”

The afternoon was dedicated to the immense contributions that women make towards the betterment of the community.

Enderun Colleges wishes to convey the following quote from Tori Hossenlopp to all women: “Never feel ashamed of the power and strength that you embody. Strut down every sidewalk and smile at every person who glares towards your direction. You are more than the judgments that society creates about you. You are brilliant and unstoppable. Stay strong. Stay true to yourself. Change the world.”

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