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Limpopo says yes to President Cyril Ramaphosa for second term

The ANC in Limpopo resolved to support Ramaphosa for a second term at the most recent virtual Provincial Executive Committee meeting.

LIMPOPO – In a statement issued by the provincial secretary, Reuben Madadzhe, it was stated that going into the party’s national elective conference in December this year, the Limpopo ANC will put its weight behind Ramaphosa, as it holds the view that he remains the best candidate to forward the ANC’s renewal programme.

Ramaphosa visited the Tzaneen area over the weekend where the ANC’s Letsema campaign was launched.

The premier and provincial chairperson, Chupu Mathabatha, reiterated at the event that the provincial structures support unity.

“The president did not steal a cent from state coffers. It is those who stole state money who now wants him to go. We have already elected the next president.”

Ramaphosa, in singing Mathabatha’s praises for reviving the province, stated that the Letsema campaign was the start of the ANC reclaiming its space as the “leader of the people”.

“Our members should be involved in our schools, in parent committees and in churches. In this way, we would have already won the 2024 general election,” he remarked.

They also resolved to support party treasurer-general Paul Mashatile for deputy president and premier Chupu Mathabatha as national party chairperson.

Provincially, reports suggest that the premier is under pressure to reshuffle his cabinet once again, after he effected a reshuffle following the provincial elective conference earlier in the year, giving five MECs their marching orders.

The motive, according to sources, is to make space for Florence Radzilani who had to resign as Vhembe mayor following her implication in the VBS Mutual Bank debacle.

Discussion was also led around the issue of regional water and roads challenges, with the Provincial Executive Committee reiterating the need for those employed in government to double their efforts in delivering basic services and that their work and efforts will be monitored going forward.

Municipalities, departments and state-owned entities that continue to return allocated monies to the Provincial Treasury because of the inability to spend those funds despite the glaring service delivery backlogs also came under scrutiny during the meeting.

The PEC resolved that consequence management should be implemented in cases where funds remain unspent.

A general discussion about the composition of the Limpopo Provincial Executive Council was also held, and it was decided that the premier should relook the issue with a view to enhance service delivery.

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