Local sport

Maintenance keeps Polokwane golf course in pristine condition

The acting manager of Polokwane Golf Club, Willie Opperman, believes the upgrades at the club's driving range will attract more golfers to the club.

POLOKWANE – According to Opperman the refurbishments, which commenced in July, included the resurfacing of the area and addition of extra grass.

“This is the area that is used by local golfers as well as golfers from the Limpopo Golf Union. The area was too small to facilitate the number of golfers who make use of it. We got rid of the old grass and put in the Kikuyu grass which is softer. Our plan is to add benches for those who visit the club and bring their families along.”

He added that they will be reseeding the golf course in preparation of the upcoming Baobab Classic pencilled for October.

“We will be redoing the soil and add compost so that the course can be in pristine condition at all times.”

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