Local News

Residents unhappy about unkept housing units

Residents of the Peter Nchabeleng Housing Units, situated in Flora Park and owned by the Department of Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure say the area is unkempt.

POLOKWANE – The units were established by the ANC government in 1998 to provide accessible housing to government workers who do not qualify for RDP or higher-rated rental houses.

Residents say there is overgrown grass areas which potentially pose a hiding place for criminals and the units need to be painted, among other grievances.

Those who spoke on condition of anonymity say they are worried that the area will soon become a haven for criminals as the units are situated next to an open field.

Public Works spokesperson6 Witness Tiva acknowledged that the area is due for a good clean-up.

“There has been some delays in terms of the implementation of the actual work, as we were awaiting protective equipment for the EPWP workers who were appointed at the beginning of this month.”

Tiva acknowledges the inconvenience caused by the delay but committed that work will already have started at the time of going to print.

“The cleaning consists of the cutting and removal of all grass and shrubs within the clearing width. The dedicated team is working tirelessly to ensure that they clean up the identified facilities to create a conducive environment for occupants and tenants. The department can confirm that clearing of grass at the facility in question has already started.”

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