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Morris supplies Bennde Mutele with water by digging with a pick axe

Unemployed Morris Baloyi said he had dug every day for three months, until he struck gold and now supplies households in his community with water.

LIMPOPO – To assist residents in his community of Bennde Mutele, the unemployed Morris Baloyi started to dig for water – and all this using a pick axe.

With this tool, he says he supplies many households with a little water for household use as he knows how difficult life is without water.

Thanks to him, many residents no longer travel long distances to fetch water from the river.

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Initially, some villagers thought he was daydreaming when he said he was going to dig into the ground with his bare hands – until one day.

Baloyi said he had dug every day for three months, until he struck gold – or water, in this case.

“I will not rest until I get to the water table and then I will be able to share even more water with the community and my family.”

Baloyi said he once nearly gave up as he kept digging without finding water.

“During the second month, I noticed that the ground at the level I was at was wet, and I again gathered some courage to dig deeper. As the soil became wetter, I knew my dream was about to come true. There was a small seepage and water starting to trickle out slowly. The next morning, the whole well was filled with water,” he explained.

Baloyi is confident that he will access more water in the not-so-distant future.

“I have done my own traditional survey and realised that there is water here. I will continue digging and digging until I get the water.

“I am hopeful, as I have already come across four layers of soil. This gives me more courage to continue, as I know that the water is near. When I approach the wet ground, I will stop and let the water come out by itself. I will then use the bucket and a rope to extract water from the well and enjoy the fruit of my hard labour with my people.”

A hard worker by nature, Baloyi is a community builder, proud husband, and father of five children.

Those who are interested in helping him can contact him on 071 907 9964.

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