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Two more cable thieves nabbed by municipal officials

Polokwane Municipality's fight against cable thieves continues with the arrest of two more men earlier today (February 10).

POLOKWANE – In a statement, municipal spokesperson Disree Manyane said the men were arrested in two separate incidents after they found in possession of stripped electrical cables.

“The first man was cornered at Yster Street and the second at the Sand River. They were both handed over to the Westernbug SAPS by the municipality’s Community Safety Unit,” she explained.

Read more: Polokwane Municipality makes inroads to stop cable theft

On Monday night (February 7), a man was arrested in Chroom Street in the industrial area after a tip-off by residents. The municipality at the time thanked residents for their assistance in apprehending the thief.

“The municipality urges all stakeholders to work together and report any suspicious activities to the authorities,” she added.

Meanwhile, municipal officials caught two men for vandalising a fire hydrant in the city.

“Residents can report cable theft to the municipality on 015 023 5458, SAPS’ Crime Stop number on 08600 10111 or the Eskom crime line on 0800 11 27 22,” she concluded.

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