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Limpopo PSA provincial manager publishes two books

Limpopo Public Servants Association (PSA) provincial manager John Teffo from Polokwane is a passionate author at heart.

POLOKWANE – John describes writing as a calling and recently published two books in the same time frame. He is currently busy with his third book on relationships and marriage titled Be naked.

His first book, titled Real Faith Ought to be Tested, was immediately followed by his second book titled Fear Not. “I had a dream to write books but did not follow it until recently with the time of the pandemic wherein I saw many people overwhelmed by fear of the virus to the point of paralysis. I realised it was important to assure people that God is still in charge despite what we are going through, and so the books are about faith that gets tested and the instruction not to be afraid,” he said.

With his busy schedule, John added that as an evangelist and missionary he is able to manage and make time by the grace of God to write and to help people in Limpopo solve various issues in different communities.

“It can get difficult as I’m also a husband and father, but I’m still proud to have published two books at the same time,” he said. Real Faith Ought to be Tested demonstrates to people that presence of problems does not mean the absence of God, there is a need to constantly focus on your dream, passion and calling despite the problems in your life. The second book, Fear Not reminds people fear is a very dangerous weapon which has killed many dreams and those who read the book are urged to dream despite their current circumstances. “The readers will get strength to look beyond their circumstances and awaken a sense of belief and the confidence to dream,” he said.

Those who would like to purchase the books can contact John via WhatsApp on 081 467 5948.

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