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Limpopo teacher resigns amid racism allegations

The teacher who works at Hoërskool Nylstroom was earlier accused of racism after an incident at school.

LIMPOPO – The chairperson of Hoërskool Nylstroom’s school governing body, Wiets Botes, confirmed that a teacher has handed in his resignation amid allegations of racism.

Learners of the school voiced their dissatisfaction on January 20 about an incident at a school dance the night before, claiming the teacher had referred to them as “baboons” and using the k-word.

In a video posted to Twitter, the learners can be seen singing struggle songs on the school’s pavilion a day later.

Read more: [VIDEO] Limpopo teacher suspended amid racism allegations

At the time Review contacted the Department of Education’s spokesperson, Tidimalo Chuene, who confirmed that the Waterberg district director received a report from the school that indicated that a teacher was suspended amid these allegations.

“The teacher is a school’s governing body appointment and the school will deal with the matter accordingly,” she said previously.

Botes confirmed the suspension at the time and said a committee was put together to deal with the matter and that “the correct disciplinary procedures will be followed”.

Chuene told Review yesterday that a hearing was scheduled for today, but that they had in the meantime received a report that the teacher handed in his resignation letter on January 27.

She added that as a result, the disciplinary procedures by the SGB in relation to the matter, will not continue.

Botes said although the disciplinary action against the teacher will not proceed, they will continue with their investigations to “get to the root of evil”.

He added that the incident was an isolated one and any other suggestion to this effect, is false.

“The allegations that racial incidents are a regular occurrence at our school are rubbish. In the past four years on the SGB, we have worked hard to get the school to where it is today. Our school is not a ‘boere’ or ‘Afrikaner’ school as is purported on social media. We are a good school with good people and race relations. This is a case of one teacher allegedly using a racial slur and we will continue on the right path and deal with the matter according to the department’s procedures and the laws of the country,” he added.

Review could not immediately confirm whether a crimen injuria case was opened. 

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