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[WATCH] Cobra and mongoose battle it out in Serala View

The rare sighting was captured on video in Serala View, Polokwane  

POLOKWANE – Imagine spotting a cobra in a residential area?

This was reality for two residents who spotted a fight between a cobra and a mongoose in Serala View. These residents took a video which has since been circulated on social media.

The snake was initially believed to be a Mozambican spitting cobra, however, Review spoke to snake catcher Jakemie Ohlenschlager who viewed the video and said the snake is in fact a snouted cobra. “We rarely get spitting cobras in this area. Snakes are now coming out of hibernation, so they are more active during summer time. People must be vigilant and call a snake catcher in the area rather than attempt to harm it or move it by themselves,” she explained.

Read more: How to recognise Limpopo’s most dangerous snakes

According to information by the African Snakebite Institute the snouted cobra is usually brown in colour and can exceed 2.5m in length. “Some individuals have broad light brown and purple bands on the back.”

The institute explained that the snake is often found in moist and dry savannah habitat, however, it can also be found in the lowveld and bushveld areas where it hunts its prey during the day.

“The snouted cobra feeds on birds and their eggs, rodents as well as toads but it also preys on other snakes. Snouted cobras are not aggressive but will stand its ground when cornered. The venom of the snouted cobra is both neurotoxic and cytotoxic and may cause some damage to tissue.”

The institute added the snake’s venom can be neutralised using Polyvalent antivenom but that bites are rare.

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