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How to help your child adapt to a new school environment

Amanda Saville gives some handy advice to parents who are relocating their child to another school.

POLOKWANE  – It’s almost time for your children to move on to the next grade. They will probably go to that next grade with friends they made a couple of years ago, but what happens to a child who is completely new in a town or city and has to start all over because the family relocated?

Primary phase head of department and teacher at Bet-Shalom Christian School, Amanda Saville, told Review that whether a child moves to a new neighbourhood or makes the leap to primary school or high school, the first few weeks may be filled with anxiety as well as excitement.

“To start at a new school is always a scary step for learners and their parents. The first and most important thing to establish is a good line of communication between you as the parent and your child’s new teacher. This will help to ensure that you are up to date with what is happening in the school,” Amanda said. She added that it is of the utmost importance for parents to support their child academically as well as emotionally.

“When they come home, check their books, assist with homework, remind them about due dates, be actively involved when it comes to helping them study. Help them balance out their workload as the beginning can be stressful if they are still trying to adjust to a new environment, new teachers and just new ways of doing things in general as every school usually has a different system,” she said.

Amanda explained that you should emotionally communicate and check in with your child daily about how their day was. “Ask them specific questions about their new teachers, the learners in their class and how they spent their break, just to get an idea of how they are fitting in. Encourage them to talk to other learners and build friendships. Check in with your child’s teacher to hear how they are coping in class and getting along with other learners,” she said.

She added to establish a good routine is also very important. “A regular routine for the morning as well as after school can offer your child a sense of security and familiarity and might help them adjust better,” Amanda said.

She highlights that even if your elementary school child will take the bus regularly or walk to school, you may want to take them yourself on the first day. “Particularly if they seem nervous, take them to school yourself as it will assist them a lot and make them less nervous until they settle in,” Amanda concluded.


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