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Health Department: ‘Be cautious, even if you are jabbed’

While the province seems to have passed the third wave of Covid-19 infections according to Health MEC spokesperson Thilivali Muavha, citizens should still be cautious and follow prescribed safety regulations.

POLOKWANE – Over recent weeks, the number of cases saw a steady decline. According to statistics by the department Limpopo had 4 519 active cases on August 1. This is a clear decline from previous figures of active cases – 4 817 (July 31), 5 469 (July 29) and 5 911 (July 28).

“Citizens need to stay cautious and adhere to the regulations set in place to prevent the spread of the virus. Although we are making strides in the vaccination rollout programme even those who have been vaccinated need to continue to wear masks, practice social distancing and sanitise regularly. You need to also remember to get both doses of the vaccine in order for it to be effective.”

Muavha says the department at the rate that citizens report to be vaccinated, especially in view of a number of additional vaccination sites that have been established at community halls, shopping centres and other structures in the communities.

“We now have more secondary sites open up within the community especially since citizens above 35 years of age can also be vaccinated. We do not want to slow down.”

He says the department will make use of all its staff to ensure that there are enough vaccinators available for all the vaccination sites that open up.

“As the registration date for the vaccination of citizens 18 years and above is getting closer we are finalising our plans to vaccinate directly from higher institutions of learning which we know the majority of people in this age group have access to. We will be opening up vaccination sites on campus in order to cater for this group.”

Muavha says the vaccination rollout plan is proving to be successful and they will be opening up more sites aimed at vaccinating sectors similar to when the farming and mining communities were prioritised.

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