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ANCYL demands Thulamela MM’s dismissal

The ANCYL branch issued a seven-day ultimatum to the Thulamela Municipality to act “after which they will protest.

LIMPOPO – The Thulamela sub-region of the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) has threatened with mass action should the Thulamela municipal manager not be removed from office.

The structure believes he should be axed for his apparent involvement in the VBS saga.

Earlier this month, Thulamela Mayor Avhashoni Tshifhango was dismissed following an instruction by the provincial executive committee (PEC) of the ANC in Limpopo.

Read more: Thulamela mayor refuses to vacate his mayoral chair

This was in line with a forensic report on the VBS matter that recommended action against all politicians and officials involved in investing. The report also implicated the municipal manager, Hlengani Maluleke. Thulamela Municipality is one of the few Limpopo-based municipalities that, on the contrary, did not lose money when corruption surfaced around VBS.

Thulamela withdrew their investment and managed to collect interest of just over R682 000.

The convenor of the ANCYL Thulamela Sub-region, Mukhethwa Mulovhedzi, said the new mayor, Humbulani Mulovhedzi, must act and implement resolutions that were taken.

“The Thulamela Municipal Council took a resolution as guided by the Report of the National Treasury on the VBS ‘looting’ to suspend the municipal manager.

“To date, the municipal manager is still in office, performing the duties of an accounting officer as if nothing had happened,” he said.

Mulovhedzi said that a committee had been set up to conduct a disciplinary hearing, but they believed that the municipal manager was in charge of appointing a chairperson of the committee.

“We do not believe that the municipal manager can voluntarily submit himself to injury by selecting a chairperson that will be objective against him,” he said.

“Ethical governance dictates that the municipal manager be on special leave for the duration of the investigation, so that the investigation can proceed without his participation or hindrance,” Mulovhedzi added, saying that the investigation might not be perceived as credible.

The Thulamela branch of the ANCYL also strongly opposes any “golden handshake” offered to officials.

The branch further insists that the municipality repay the interest earned on the “illegal” investment with VBS.

“The municipal manager must be strongly warned that his expectations will trigger unprecedented resistance that further drive a regrettable ending of this matter,” Mulovhedzi warned.

He said that the VBS matter was “very close to us and we will endeavour to ensure that perpetrators are brought to book”.

The ANCYL branch issued a seven-day ultimatum to the municipality to act “after which we will mobilise our robbed communities and the public to stage responsible protests at the Thulamela Municipal Offices.”

Mulovhedzi emphasised that the protest will be a responsible one and strictly adhere to all Covid-19 protocol and regulations.

The ANC Vhembe region’s spokesperson, Tshifhiwa Dali, gave the assurance that the matter will be dealt with responsibly.

“As the ANC in Vhembe, we have confidence that the Thulamela Municipality’s leadership has the capacity to handle the issue,” he said.

Maluleke could not immediately be reached for comment.


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