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Life through Michael’s lens

The 18-year-old, Michael Rabodiba sees life through the lens of his camera.

The Capricorn High School learner explained that his interest in photography started from a young age and even though it started off as a hobby, he soon realised it can be a lucrative career option.

“I was fortunate to tag along with family members who were photographers an that is how my interest grew. I am a self-taught photographer and I have been mentored by the likes of Lemao Photography and Bahamas Gallery, among others. I saw how it can bring in a lot of money, although I am not doing it only for the money,” he said.

Michael co-founded a clothing brand with two of his friends in 2018, called WeAreHere, but he is currently focused on building his brand as a photographer.

“Trying to perfect my craft while still at school has come with challenges because at times, I have a booking and an exam the following day,” he said.

However, he works with a strong team that assists him to fulfill his dream of becoming a renowned photographer and keeping on track with completing his studies.

In his free time, Michael enjoys taking photos of nature and sunsets or otherwise, you will find him at home listening to music. He explained that he tries to stay away from trouble because it is important to remain humble and never mix business with pleasure, as that is the reason why many people never make it in the industry.

“I remember when I bought my first camera, a Canon 4000D, people would want me to take photos for free. This is when I realised that to pay for the camera, I had to start making money with my photos,” he said.

He doesn’t operate from a studio but does outdoor shoots and house calls.

Michael hopes to soon be able to have a set space where people can access his services.

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