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Festive greetings from CDM Mayor

Capricorn District Municipality wishes everyone a happy, fulfilling festive season.

Capricorn District Municipality wishes everyone a happy, fulfilling festive season. This is the period that brings us closer to the end of the year whereon, despite a long adverse period of the Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to deliver on many fronts and milestones to ensure a better life for all.
As we know, the festive season is a period of hefty spending and celebrations – which owing to the devastating effects of Covid-19, will foreground deep-seated inequalities which are unfair to the less fortunate.
As a district that subscribes to the values of Ubuntu, let us ease their burden this festive season and extend a helping hand of kindness and generosity. Also, small businesses need every little support to recover from the pandemic. Let us therefore support them by buying local so they can keep jobs and grow our economy. As we celebrate the end of what has been a difficult year, let us not ruin the celebrations with traffic infractions, abuse of alcohol, incidents of crime and other acts of inhumanity such as gender-based violence that usually characterize this period. Let us be vigilant on the road for safer traffic and pedestrian mobility.
As our wellbeing can only be sustained by good health, we plead with the youth to stay wise and take safety precautions by limiting attendance of festive parties and other super-spreader events in order to protect parents and grandparents from Covid-19.
Lastly, we also urge you to please use water wisely and avoid disasters. Remember to call our toll free number 0800 666 777 for help with any kind of disaster. I once again take this opportunity on behalf of the Capricorn District Municipality to wish you well during this festive season and a prosperous 2021!

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