Rotary spoils Our Home

With the annual Christmas dinner of Our Home/Ons Tuiste that was hosted by the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 scheduled for 18:00 last Thursday, all available seats in the institution’s hall were already taken an hour before.

With the annual Christmas dinner of Our Home/Ons Tuiste that was hosted by the Rotary Club of Pietersburg 100 scheduled for 18:00 last Thursday, all available seats in the institution’s hall were already taken an hour before.
Rotary President, Naas Vorster invited the guests to enjoy some of the refreshments while they socialised.
The programme that followed included a short address by, Wessel Cronjé.
Cronjé emphasised that it is better to be 71 years young than to be 40 years old and that it is not one’s age that determines your ability to enjoy inner peace and still make a meaningful contribution to society.
Vorster thanked the sponsors and commended the Anns and residents for their efforts with the decorations and preparations.
The formalities concluded with a prize draw and the guests enjoyed hamburgers and chips in the garden. The final course was a variety of desserts.
Resident Lena van der Ryst thanked the Rotarians for their commitment and ongoing support and assured them that the Christmas event was a highlight of the year’s social programme.

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